Intellectual humility scale pdf

Across two pilot studies, we subsequently developed and tested the trait version of the statetrait intellectual humility scale, as well as a contextualized version of the scale in which participants responded to the ih items in their state format, with regards to a particular incident of their choosing. Carefully read each statement and indicate the degree to which you agree. The scale was able to distinguish between ih and other. Humility is a relative newcomer to social and personality psychology, at least as a trait or behavior to be studied on its own. The scale measures 4 distinct but intercorrelated aspects of intellectual humility, including independence of intellect and ego, openness to. Comprehensive intellectual humility scale the items are rated on a 5point likert scale with 1 strongly disagree, 2 disagree, 3 neither agree nor disagree, 4 agree, and 5 strongly agree. Measurement, conceptual validation, and intrapersonal processes elliott kruse, joseph chancellor and sonja lyubomirsky university of california, riverside, ca, usa abstract humility is a core psychological process theoretically marked by low selffocus, secure identity, and balanced awareness of strengths and weaknesses. By using ten big questions to introduce the concept, this introduction presents a vibrant account of the ideas behind intellectual humility. Intellectual humility augments nonpartisan openmindedness. Following this discussion, we consider the relevance of these theoretical and methodological issues for humility within the intellectual domain speci. Finding middle ground between intellectual arrogance and intellectual servility. Situationbased contingencies underlying wisdomcontent. Scale development and theoretical elaborations in the context of religious leadership. Adapting a marriage measure to study relational spirituality journal of psychology and theology, 2009 relational spirituality and the development of the similarity of the offenders spirituality sos scale psychology of religion and spirituality, 2009 humility humility.

The cihs comprehensive intellectual humility scale is made up of 22 items krumreimancuso and rouse, 2016 with four subscales. This scale captures cognitive, affective, behavioral, and motivational components of the. And, like empathy, intellectual humility is about listening over talking and then using what we hear to make our interactions more civil, more meaningful, and more productive for all involved. One conceptualization defines intellectual humility as recognizing that a particular. It arrived as part of the effort, beginning in the 1990s, to build a. You are welcome to make use of this scale for research with. For example, if you are congratulated for getting an a on a test, the appropriate response is not to mention how smart you are and how you did not have to study very much. Blola unirersity, 00916 4 7 1 4 1 07 3 0 hope college preliminary evidence for the psychometric s o u n d n e s s ofthe scale, including reliability and content validity ofthe scores. Frontiers the moderating role of intellectual humility in. Then tally scores for the full scale all 22 items or. One of the best ways to get a sense for intellectual humility is to think about the contexts that demand it. This paper presents five studies on the development and validation of a scale of intellectual humility.

Using a new intellectual humility ih scale, study 1 showed that. You are welcome to make use of this scale for research. Pdf this paper presents five studies on the development and validation of a scale of intellectual humility. The development and validation of the comprehensive intellectual. As such, it does not provide a measure of the intellectual humility. Contrasting selfreport and consensus ratings of intellectual. Pdf intellectual humility and the curse of knowledge. Pdf development and validation of a multidimensional. Ih is a subdomain of humility that involves a having an accurate view of ones intellectual strengths and limitations and b the ability to negotiate ideas in a.

Constructing and validating a scale of intellectual humility files wiki. Humility involves a an accurate view of self and b the ability to regulate egotism and cultivate an otheroriented stance. Scale development and theoretical elaborations in the context of religious leadership article pdf available in journal of psychology and theology 421. Intellectual humility can be understood as involving the owning of ones cognitive limitations, a healthy recognition of ones intellectual debts to others, and low concern for intellectual domination and certain kinds of social status.

Mar 17, 2017 intellectual humility has been something of a wallflower among personality traits, receiving far less scholarly attention than such brash qualities as egotism or hostility. Yet this littlestudied characteristic may influence peoples decisionmaking abilities in politics, health and other arenas, says new research from duke university. This article focused on how perceptions of intellectual humility ihhumility regarding ones knowledge or influence over ideasaffect relationships with religious leaders. Participants completed the general intellectual humility scale, an incidental oldnew recognition task, and a task that assessed the tendency to overclaim ones knowledge. Given our interest in the interpersonal and behavioral aspects of humility, we looked speci.

Intellectual humility resources humility in general is the virtue of facing up to the truth about oneselfneither overvaluing nor undervaluing ones abilities and accomplishments. Constructing and validating a scale of intellectual humility. Finding middle ground between intellectual arrogance and. I have examined the final electronic copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, with a major in psychology. Be humble, and proudly, psychologists say the new york times. Measuring intellectual humility extended version discussing. Loihs predicts closedmindedness and openness over other measures of ih. Moreover, in these studies college students higher in intellectual humility were more open to the opposing view in.

This virtue also involves admitting the limits of ones epistemic perspective. I have never heard the term intellectual humility before and the first thing that went through my head when i see the word intellectual is knowledge and as such, i dont think you can be humble about knowledge. Scale oeeiement and theoretical elaborations in the context of religious leadership stacey e. Abstract this study examined the relationship between recognition memory and intellectual humility, the degree to which people recognize that their personal beliefs are fallible. This intellectual humility scale was the first published measure specifically of intellectual humility, and is an informant rated measure based upon a 5point likert scale, with higher scores indicating higher humility. How intellectual humility can make you a better person. The psychology of intellectual humility leary 1 the psychology of intellectual humility mark r. Expressed humility in organizations 1518 organization science 245, pp. Although the ih scale is a good measure of intellectual humility in an online environment, it does suffer from one major shortcoming. Revised neo personality inventory neo pir professional manual. Loihs includes limitationsowning, lacking discomfort, and love of learning. An introduction to the philosophy and science draws on leading research to provide an engaging and uptodate guide to understanding what it is and why its important.

As can be seen, all six items are worded in the direction of high intellectual humility. Intellectual humility is often described as an intellectual virtue, along with other perceived virtues such as openmindedness, intellectual courage and integrity, and in contrast to proposed intellectual vices, such as pride and arrogance. Intellectual humility ih is the mean between intellectual servilityarrogance. Puritysanctity subscale of the moral foundations questionnaire does not work. Two studies provide evidence for distinguishing intellectual humility ih from general humility gh. We would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of a grant from the fuller theological seminary thrive center in concert with the john templeton foundation, grant no. Request pdf the development and validation of the comprehensive intellectual humility scale a series of studies was conducted to create the 22item comprehensive intellectual humility scale on. The first is called the mcelroy intellectual humility scale. Measuring intellectual humility how do we know who is. Openmindedness versus arrogance, intellectual modesty versus vanity. The development and validation of the comprehensive.

A bifactorial measure of intellectual humility by mcelroy et al. Revised neo personality inventory neopir professional manual. Since intellectual humility is conceptually distinct from these constructs, it would be valuable to have an intellectual humility scale as well. The psychology of intellectual humility leary 2 information. Not surprisingly, participants scoring higher in religiosity were more certain. Measuring intellectual humility in an online environment. The general intellectual humility scale developed by leary et al. Kathleen row, major professor we have read this dissertation. We find that intellectual humility has four core dimensions. What exactly is intellectual humility and what are some great. So lets look at two measures that take this approach. Development and validation of a multidimensional measure of.

Pdf development and validation of a multidimensional measure. Development and assessment of the limitationsowning intellectual humility scale. This scale captures cognitive, affective, behavioral, and motivational components of the construct that have been identified by various philosophers in their conceptual analyses of intellectual humility. Distinguishing intellectual humility and general humility. Intellectual humility is a more cerebral empathy, or empathy with the emotions removed. It is closely allied with traits such as openmindedness, a. For a modest personality trait, intellectual humility packs. In studies 1 and 2, a new selfreport intellectual humility scale demonstrated good convergent and discriminant validity. Still, it helps to think of one in terms of the other. In this paper, we make a contribution to the burgeoning interdisciplinary field of character psychology by building and validating a psychological scale of intellectual humility.

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